Coffee Froth - Subtle warmth over reduced saturation and clarity
Delicate Shadows - Soft blacks lifted alongside peachy-warm highlights
Fine Sands - A cooler look with soft-teal highlights and warming shadows
Frosted Fade - A filmy look with cooling overtones and desaturated overall colors
Gentle Clouds - Softened contrast & clarity, along with boosted highlights & vibrance
Haze Aura - Peach & purple tones mix with softened contrast and clarity
Khaki Tweed - Warm shadows and highlights, soft contrast, and lifted blacks
Lifted Caramel - Warm whites overlay soft, golden shadows
Light Warmth - A skin-softening look with overall warm filtering
Muted Gold - A beautiful, warm preset with a subtle soft haze laid over top
Pale Peach - Soft peachy highlights along with a subtle contrast reduction
Pastel Shades - A pastel-toned preset with softened clarity and boosted vibrance
Sepia Delight - A soft, sand-toned style with reduced contrasts and highlights
Smokey Brown - A beautiful, earth-toned preset with individually modified hues
Soft Amber - A simply-soft look with subtle contrasts and amber overtones
Subtle Foam - Copper-soft toning over lifted blacks and reduced whites
Tan Film - An analog inspired look with reduced saturation and creamy shadows & highlights
Warm Blush - Warming pink highlights, softened clarity, and reduced vibrance
White Linen - A peachy look with cooled greens and a boost to the orange saturation